Black male children nearly twice the risk of food allergy

Based on their study, the researchers estimated that 2.55 percent of the universal population has food allergic reaction, most often to shrimp and peanuts. The national survey included 8 thousand plus people from babies to seniors who tested positive for the allergen antibody connected to possible issues with eggs, milk, peanuts and shrimp. The sensitivity level to these potential food allergens was then tested the entire participants.

Males and children had nearly twice the risk for food allergy as others, blacks had tripled the risk and black children were (4x) times more likely to have food allergies.


Recommended: Aspirin to avoid heart attack

Heart Attack Symptoms and Warning Signs

It is not easy to tell. But there are symptoms people may have. These are: an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back; discomfort in other areas of the upper body, which may be felt in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach; shortness of breath, which often occurs with or before chest discomfort; and other symptoms such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness. When in doubt, check it out! Call 9-1-1. Don’t wait more than a few minutes–5 at most. Call right away!

Now a day, you may have seen television ads promoting aspirin's ability to lessen the risk of heart attack and stroke in certain groups of people. You should know that deciding to take an aspirin a day is not as simple as it may seem. The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research has started a public -education drive to remind regular consumers that aspirin is not without risk the decision to use aspirin to prevent a heart attack and stroke is safest when made in consultation with a health professional.

What's Your True Body Type?

1. You would describe yourself as:
* Muscular or fit
* Big or curvy
* Skinny or thin

2. For your height, your arms and legs are:
* Average
* Short
* Long

3. Your metabolism is:
* Fast
* Slow
* Normal

4. When you gain weight, you tend to gain:
* Fat
* You don't gain weight
* Muscle

5. The muscles you have are:
* Lean
* Big
* Covered by a bit of fat

Take the quiz online and then share and discuss your results

9/11 Responders suffers lung problems

The study findings appear in the February issue of Chest journal.

The rate of problems is much higher than normal, about 2.5 times more than would be expected in people who smoke, said study co-author Dr. Jacqueline Moline, director of the World Trade Center Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program Clinical Center.

Experts estimate that about 40,000 people, including fire and rescue workers, were exposed to noxious pollution in the wake of the attack on the World Trade Center.

Between 2004 and 2007, researchers gave breath tests to 3,160 9/11 workers and volunteers who had taken part in an earlier round of tests from 2002 to 2004.

About a quarter of those tested still have limited lung capacity and lung function, Moline said. "The most common finding we see is that people aren't able to take in as deep of a breath as you'd expect, and some can't push it out as much."

Lung Problem

Relaxing and softening muscles

Massage therapy even has physiological effects too such as an increasing circulation, a stimulating the lymph system, a relaxing and softening of injured and overused muscles and a minimizing of cramping and spasms. It can also induce reducing of the recovery time for strenuous workouts, internet casino, releasing endorphins as the body’s natural painkiller, reducing post-surgery adhesions and edema and realigning scar tissue and improving the range of motion and reducing discomfort for patients with low back pain. Furthermore, it can be good also for alleviating pain for migraine, offering exercise and stretching for atrophied muscles, decreasing shortening of the muscles and the more common reason of providing therapeutic rejuvenation time and time again.

Ladies: Losing weight can reduces urinary incontinence

Need another reason to drop a few pounds? A new study in this week's New England Journal of Medicine reports weight loss in overweight and obese women reduces urinary incontinence, a problem that affects more than 13 million women in the United States.

Loss of bladder control can be a symptom of any number of issues, including pregnancy, childbirth, bladder irritation or infection, and aging bladder muscles.

The women were randomly assigned to either an intensive six-month weight-loss program of diet, exercise, and behavior modification or were placed in a group that received information about diet and exercise, but were provided no additional help dropping pounds.

The intensive weight-loss group lost an average of 8% of their body weight (about 17 pounds) and weekly urinary incontinence episodes were cut by 47%. Meanwhile, those in the information-only group lost an average of 1.6% of their body weight (about 3 pounds) and only experienced 28% fewer episodes of incontinence.

Finding stress relief

Something is distinctly absent as one enters the room the air is thick with warmth and buoyant with the deep exhales of the individuals that line the floor. Bare feet make light contact with the wood and settle confidently onto a mat-a sheet of material that cuts out a portion of the universe for the individual to own for a time. And then it strikes, amidst the stretching, the heat, and the concentration that thickly permeates the space is the absence of stress.

The postures vary in difficulty level, easily morphing into a goal attainable for each unique student, no matter the skill level. The range of students engulfs a plethora of different lifestyles ranging from athletes to businessmen, all of who are guided through these postures to align the vertebrae, increase flexibility, balance, strength, online casinos and to gain relaxation and an ease of mind.


Omega 3 for your healthy heart

Did you know that Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart of healthy people?

The omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts, some fruits and vegetables, and water fish such as herring, mackerel, sturgeon, and anchovies.

Also recommended to eating tofu and other forms of soybeans, walnut, canola, flaxseed and their oils. These may contain alpha linolenic acid which can become omega-3 fatty acid in our body. The level of this modification is to modest and divisive, however. More studies needed to confirm a cause and-effect relation between alpha-linolenic acid and heart disease.

Highly recommended to eating fatty fish at least twice a week. Fish is a good supply of protein and doesn’t have the high saturated fat that fatty meat products have. Fatty fish like mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, salmon and tuna are high in omega 3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Omega 3

Quick-Relief for Asthma Sufferers

Asthma is a very chronic disease involving the respiratory system, the lungs. Asthma occurs at any age but is rare in children than adults. This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Although there is no cure for asthma, asthma attacks can be prevented and controlled with proper care.

Treatment for asthma generally involves avoiding the things that trigger’s asthma attacks and taking one or medications. Treatments differ from person to person.

The most effective treatment for asthma is identifying triggers, such as pets and limiting or eliminating exposure to them.

The specific medications used to treat asthma include long-term control medications, quick-relief medications and medications to treat allergies. The right medication for you depends on your age and symptoms, and what seems to work best to keep your asthma under control.


Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder named for German physician Alois Alzheimer, who first described it in 1906. Scientists have learned a great deal about Alzheimer’s disease in the century since Dr. Alzheimer first drew attention to it. Today we know that Alzheimer’s: Education and supportive services can improve the quality of life for patients with Alzheimer's disease and their families.

Several Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. Alzheimer’s gets worse over time, and it is fatal. Today it is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States.

Alzheimer’s disease has no current cure. But treatments for symptoms, combined with the right services and support, can make life better for the millions of Americans living with Alzheimer’s. There is an accelerating worldwide effort under way to find better ways to treat the disease, delay its onset, or prevent it from developing.

Alzheimer’s disease

Campylobacteriosis Bacterial

Campylobacteriosis is a bacterial infection that affects the intestine area and rarely the bloodstream. It is the most common cause diarrhea in some entire area in region. Most cases are occurring as single cases.

This disease has not been new probably in existence for many years but has only recently been recognized as a common disease as a result of better laboratory examination.

Anyone can get this kind of disease Campylobacter infection generally spread by using of contaminated food and occasionally, by contact with infected people or animals.

Most people who infected with this disease will make a full recovery using antibiotic to prevent lack of fluids. Antibiotics are occasionally used to treat harsh cases or to shorten the carrier phase which may be important for food handlers, children in daycare and health care workers. Since relapses occasionally occur - some physicians might treat mild cases with antibiotics to prevent a repetition of symptoms.

Campylobacteriosis Bacterial

Acute and chronic Hepatitis can be treated?

Hepatitis is a virus that affects the internal organs particularly the liver. There are at least 6-different types of hepatitis A to G with the 3 common types the hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Hepatitis A is a sensitive infection and people typically improve without treatment. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C can cause a chronic, persistent infection, which can lead to chronic liver illness. There is a vaccine to prevent hepatitis A and B; however hepatitis C doesn’t have.

Hepatitis C virus is found in blood and certain body fluids. It is spread when a person who is not immune comes in contact with blood or body fluids from an infected person. Hepatitis C is spread through sharing needles when taking drugs, through needle-stick or any sharps exposure in a health care set, or sometimes from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy. It is possible to get hepatitis C from sexual intercourse, but it is unusual.

Hepatitis C causes liver ailment and it is found in the blood of persons who are contaminated. HCV is spread by get in touch with the blood from the infected person.

About 25,000 people every year with most developing unceasing infection. However, many of those with chronic hepatitis C don’t know they are infected. Those individuals with chronic infection are at risk for developing chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Unlike hepatitis A and hepatitis B there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C. Over the years the treatments for hepatitis C have become more effective. However, treatment is not for everyone and a specialist should be consulted when determining if someone should get treated.

Early pregnancy issue

Early pregnancy issue is denoted as a matter of pregnancy association and abundance of interest is developed for the purposes of detection of a prospective pregnancy within a day of fertilization of all species tested. Till now it was an embryo carrying a silent passenger during the period prior to implantation period as well as maternal recognition of the fact that the pregnancy did not occur till the time of implantation.

When you find out early pregnancy issue you should get acclimatized to the maternal system which comes from the preparation of implantation as well as doing well pregnancy from the detection of fertilization process. Early pregnancy issue by virtue of its ability releases factors which are responsible for suppression of a possible reaction against material immunization against the foreign fetus.


pregnancy issue