Black male children nearly twice the risk of food allergy

Based on their study, the researchers estimated that 2.55 percent of the universal population has food allergic reaction, most often to shrimp and peanuts. The national survey included 8 thousand plus people from babies to seniors who tested positive for the allergen antibody connected to possible issues with eggs, milk, peanuts and shrimp. The sensitivity level to these potential food allergens was then tested the entire participants.

Males and children had nearly twice the risk for food allergy as others, blacks had tripled the risk and black children were (4x) times more likely to have food allergies.


Recommended: Aspirin to avoid heart attack

Heart Attack Symptoms and Warning Signs

It is not easy to tell. But there are symptoms people may have. These are: an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back; discomfort in other areas of the upper body, which may be felt in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach; shortness of breath, which often occurs with or before chest discomfort; and other symptoms such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness. When in doubt, check it out! Call 9-1-1. Don’t wait more than a few minutes–5 at most. Call right away!

Now a day, you may have seen television ads promoting aspirin's ability to lessen the risk of heart attack and stroke in certain groups of people. You should know that deciding to take an aspirin a day is not as simple as it may seem. The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research has started a public -education drive to remind regular consumers that aspirin is not without risk the decision to use aspirin to prevent a heart attack and stroke is safest when made in consultation with a health professional.

What's Your True Body Type?

1. You would describe yourself as:
* Muscular or fit
* Big or curvy
* Skinny or thin

2. For your height, your arms and legs are:
* Average
* Short
* Long

3. Your metabolism is:
* Fast
* Slow
* Normal

4. When you gain weight, you tend to gain:
* Fat
* You don't gain weight
* Muscle

5. The muscles you have are:
* Lean
* Big
* Covered by a bit of fat

Take the quiz online and then share and discuss your results